City Health Dashboard Pilot Press Release

Jun. 26, 2017

Elaine Meyer, NYU Langone Health

Supported by a recent $3.4 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the City Health Dashboard will expand to give users the ability to view the performance of 500 cities in 34 key measures of health. The Dashboard, originally reporting 26 measures, proved to be an essential component of the data-driven community-level health planning for four pilot cities—Flint, Michigan; Kansas City, Kansas; Providence, Rhode Island; and Waco, Texas. Its success demonstrated the need for highly reliable data at the city and neighborhood level in cities across the nation. As the project’s principal investigator Dr. Marc Gourevitch, MD, MPH explains, “there is an old adage: ‘what gets measured is what gets done.” The City Health Dashboard strives to become the premier resource for data on health outcomes, health determinants, and health equity in the coming years.

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