New online tool shows how New Yorkers fare on health metrics

May 15, 2018

Robin D. Schatz


new population health tool debuts today, offering researchers and policymakers in New York City and 499 other urban centers nationwide a window into how its residents fare on a variety of environmental, behavioral and health measures.

The City Health Dashboard, developed by NYU Langone Medical Center and the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service at NYU, features both city- and neighborhood-level data.

For some cities, this is the first time such comprehensive data has been made available, said Dr. Marc Gourevitch, principal investigator of the City Health Dashboard and chair of the Department of Population Health at NYU School of Medicine. That's not the case here.

"New York City is rich in data to begin with," Gourevitch said. "What we hope this resource will do is to bring into a single place not only data about health status but the drivers of health status."

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